New Water Farms
A space to cultivate spiritual growth and renewal

Teach, Train and Transform
New Water Farms on Lake Martin harnesses the expertise of teachers on many subjects including church planting, medical mission training, marriage retreats, Bible studies and worship gatherings. Hands-on activities ensure the transfer of knowledge.
Programs include spiritual disciplines such as contemplative prayer, evangelism, leading worship gatherings and disciple making. New Water encourages participants to apply what they have learned by making a difference at home and around the world for God’s kingdom.
The farm has acres of blackberries, blueberries, figs, Asian persimmons, Asian pears, European pears, muscadines and scuppernongs, as well as seasonal vegetable gardens.
Preserves, jams, salsas and local honey from New Water Farms are available for purchase at SmoothRock Cafe. Sales support the ministry of developing and making disciples of Jesus Christ.