Wound Care

1. Do not remove your bandage until after _______  on _______. To remove the bandage, soak the wound area thoroughly to loosen the tape and/or adhesive. This process will minimize discomfort and irritation or bleeding.

2. Wound Care:

  • Thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water before performing any wound care or dressing change.
  • The easiest way to remove the bandage is get in the shower and allow it to get wet. This will loosen the tape.
  • Once the bandage is off, prepare a mixture of:

1 tablespoon white vinegar in 1 pint (2 cups) warm water OR 1/4 cup peroxide, undiluted

  • Using gauze or a clean cloth, soak incision for 15 minutes 1-2 times a day, frequently re-wetting gauze or cloth in solution and then re-applying to area.

The ointment to be used is*: ____________________

*Note: Apply a thick layer. The ointment keeps the wound moist and provides the proper environment for wound healing and helps prevent scabs. Scabs can inhibit proper wound healing.

If you are prescribed Mupirocin and it is not available at your pharmacy, you may substitute Vaseline. Use a new tube or jar of Vaseline and use it for wound care only.

3. Please follow the specific instructions for the type of bandage on your wound(s).

Telfa bandage:

  • After each vinegar water soak, apply ointment to incision and cover with nonstick bandage. Avoid placing adhesive or tape directly on incision.
  • Do not let the wound area dry out or form a scab, as it can slow healing.
  • Perform wound care twice a day after surgery until your wound is healed, sutures are dissolved
    and/or removed. This is typically within 10-14 days.


  • Steri-Strips are to remain in place after you remove your pressure bandage; do not forcibly remove the Steri-Strips.
  • Steri-Strips will loosen gradually each day as you perform vinegar water soaks. Steri-Strips usually come off on their own within 2-3 days.
  • Any area not covered by Steri-Strips will require ointment. This ointment should be reapplied daily or as needed to keep the area moist and then covered with a nonstick bandage.
  • Perform wound care twice a day after surgery until your wound is healed, sutures are dissolved and/or removed. This is typically within 10-14 days.


Xeroform dressing will either be sutured in place or taped in place on day of surgery. Follow the instructions below:

  • Sutured in place: Leave bandage and Xeroform dressing in place until your follow up visit.
  • Taped in place: Remove bandage and Xeroform dressing on day circled on the top of the page.
    After removal, perform vinegar water soaks as listed above and apply ointment to incision. Apply a new nonstick bandage. If you were provided with additional Xeroform dressing, apply Xeroform dressing after each vinegar water soak and secure with nonstick pad and tape.

4. Redness or swelling: If you notice substantial redness spreading or streaking around your wound, if it is warm to the touch, or has white oozing discharge, please give us a call to be seen by a medical provider.

  • After a few days, you may notice a yellowish-colored tissue in your wound. This is called fibrin tissue and is not a concern.

5. Remember to pick up antibiotics and prescribed ointment from your pharmacy and take all as prescribed. You may be written a pain prescription the day of surgery to take into your pharmacy.


Please call our office with any problems or questions.

  • Call 205-977-9876 during business hours (Monday-Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.)
  • Call 205-977-9876, option 5, after hours and on weekends.