Acne Scarring

Acne scarring is common. Not every acne breakout causes a scar, but many breakouts do. The scars are often permanent, although they can fade.

The best way to prevent acne scars is to treat acne when it first appears, follow a diligent skincare program and never touch or squeeze your pimples.

Scars are likely to develop when you have a deep acne breakout, such as a cyst or nodule, or when you have picked at a spot and damaged the skin. They are also more common if you have a close blood relative who gets acne scars.

Scars may be sunken or raised. Sunken scars occur when your body produces too little collagen. Raised scars occur when your body produces too much collagen.

Treatments depend on a patient’s type of acne scars and skin tone.

Depressed or sunken scars can be treated with a chemical peel, fillers, laser treatments, medication, microneedling, microdermabrasion, radiofrequency or surgery.

Raised scars can be treated with laser treatments, corticosteroid injections or application of a prescription medication.

Post-treatment, it’s important to follow the dermatologist’s instructions. Use sunscreen every day because the sun can darken treated skin, which may take as long as eight weeks to fully heal.

Surgical Dermatology Group offers individualized and comprehensive treatment plans for acne scarring.

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