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Skin Rejuvenation

SDG offers laser therapy treatments to rejuvenate and resurface your skin. We specialize in lessening the appearance of sun damage, acne, redness, brown spots, veins, melasma, rosacea, and fine lines and wrinkles. Laser treatments are commonly performed on the face, hands, neck and chest.

Lasers use an intense light source to break down the top layer of the skin in an effort to remove discoloration, veins, fine lines, and wrinkles. Treatment can dramatically improve your skin’s appearance by generating new skin growth that is bright and smooth.

While a series of laser treatments may be necessary depending on the condition of your skin, you can expect to see results after your first session. Patients experience minimal or no downtime. Our dedicated medical team will work with you to determine the appropriate course of treatment for you. Please call 205-977-9876 to schedule a free consultation.